25 June 2020 – Mandatory self-isolation for those arriving from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina

Type of Intervention: Executive Order
Sectors Involved: Immigration, Tourism
Intervention Categories: International travel measures
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: http://hr.n1info.com/Vijesti/a520672/Maske-u-javnom-prijevozu.html

Overview: All arrivals from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina must self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival in Croatia “in their own home or other suitable accommodation”
Full details here: https://civilna-zastita.gov.hr/UserDocsImages/CIVILNA%20ZA%C5%A0TITA/PDF_ZA%20WEB/Odluka%20zabrana%20prelaska%20granice%20-%206.%20izmjena%20-2406.pdf

Type of Justification: Perception of an increased threat
Evidence/Justification: After weeks of few or no new cases (0-2 daily) of covid-19, there has been steady increase in the number of new cases going now well into double-digits, with significant new clusters. These clusters have been associated with the opening of the country in particular around the opening of the tourist season. The neighbouring countries Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, which are currently seeing dozens of new cases and, again, deaths, have been identified as the most significant sources. (note that the ‘new wave’ in these two countries started at least a week before the Croatian ‘new wave’).