Type of Intervention: Advisory
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Education and awareness
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Senior Minister (Security)
Overview: The public has been warned not purchase or obtain fake Covid-19 test reports showing negative results as it will endanger themselves and others. The Senior Minister (Security) said he was informed by the police that suspects have been arrested in connection with a syndicate selling such fake documents.
Full details here: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2020/06/07/don039t-buy-fake-covid-19-test-reports-warn-cops
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group
Source of Evidence or Justification: National – other
Evidence/Justification: The Senior Minister (Security) said he was informed by the police that suspects have been arrested in connection with a syndicate selling such fake documents. If those who bought the certs are actually Covid-19 positive, it will endanger them, their family members and others.