Type of Intervention: Executive Order
Sectors Involved: Civil Defence
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Decision-maker: Council of Government. Those responsible for assessing the side effects of the measures (though not necessarily for their implementation) include: Nora Back – President of the Chamber of Employees; Alexa Ballmann – President of JHL (Jonk Handwierk); Luc Frieden – President of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce; Erny Gillen – Ethics expert; Claudia Monti – Mediator of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Ombudsman); Gilbert Pregno – Psychologist and President of the Consultative Commission for Human Rights; René Schlechter – President of the Ombuds-Committee for the Rights of the Child (ORK); Claus Vögele – Full Professor Health psychology at the University of Luxembourg.
Overview: The Council of Government will relax confinement measures over three stages, the first of which began on 20 April and involved the reopening of construction sites. Phase 2 began on 11 May and saw the gradual reopening of secondary schools. Phase 3 began on 25 May and will last two weeks. During Phase 3, primary schools and after-school clubs will be reopened. The government cabinet also set up an ad hoc group to support the measures decided on and to regualrly assess the side effects of these measures.
Full details here: https://gouvernement.lu/en/actualites/toutes_actualites/communiques/2020/04-avril/20-strategie-sortie.html
Type of Justification: No justification given