This item is sourced from the CCCSL: CSH Covid-19 Control Strategies List co-ordinated by the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria. We are in the process of gathering further information and aligning taxonomies for these items.
Intervention Categories: Legal and policy; Regulatory change
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Overview: The Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Development, through the General Directorate of Civil Protection, Prevention and Mitigation of Disasters, in use of its powers, issues RED ALERT throughout the national territory from this date, since it is necessary to implement extraordinary measures , due to the degree of threat and the high probability of affecting our country.
This alert situation leads to extreme protection and organization measures to manage containment measures and increase necessary preventive actions. As of the issuance of this Red Alert, there is no confirmed case of Covid-19 in the country.
Full details here: