Type of Intervention: Executive Order
Sectors Involved: Private Sector and Businesses
Intervention Categories: Legal and policy; Regulatory change
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Ministry of Commerce (leading)
Overview: Executive Decree No. 152 of May 13, 2020, which modifies the provisions of the ED. No. 114 of March 13, 2020, liminting the maximum gross margin of sale (profit) for personal hygiene, cleaning and consumption items that are of first necessity due to the CoVid-19 pandemic. Article No.1 is modify in where the maximum gross margin percentage (%) for three months, is limited. For example disposable masks of compulsory use throughout the national territory, for up to 15%, antibacterial and / or antimicrobial products at 23%, Vitamin C at 23%, Disposable gloves at 23%, among other hygiene products.
Full details here: https://www.gacetaoficial.gob.pa/pdfTemp/29023_A/GacetaNo_29023a_20200513.pdf
Other links: 1
Type of Justification: No justification given