Type of Intervention: Advisory, Executive Order, Guidance
Sectors Involved: Executive Office, Private Sector and Businesses
Intervention Categories: Social and physical distancing measures; Reopening schools; Reopening offices, businesses, institutions, and operations
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: Depending on topic Federal Office of Public Health, on resturants: Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office; on entry restrictions: SEM Information and Communications; on sport:
Federal Office for Sport FOSPO; On baccalaureate examinations: EAER Communications Service,
Overview: Federal Council to ease further measures from 11 May see also graphic https://www.newsd.admin.ch/newsd/message/attachments/61154.pdf
Full details here: https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-78948.html
Other links: 1 2
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Advice of EXTERNAL expert advisor or advisory committee, Advice of EXTERNAL group of non-academics (e.g. business or community leaders), Scientific Evidence (e.g. academic paper, report)
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation, National – academic, National – government, International – academic
Evidence/Justification: No specific justification, but all based on assessment of current scienctific knowledge