10 March 2020 – Manitoba co-ordinates with other provinces and territories to procure PPE

Type of Intervention: New Tool / Service / Body
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Finance policy and financial aid; Financial aid to health services
Level of Jurisdiction: Manitoba
Lead People/Agency: Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living
Mantioba Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister: Cameron Friesen

Overview: The Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister of Manitoba announced that Manitoba is collaborating with other provinces & territories and the Public Health Agency of Canada to procure personal protective equipment for healthcare workers and patients. The intended effect of these efforts is to prepare for the potential demand on supply that may arise with potential or confirmed COVID-19 cases in the province. This will assist in ensuring that healthcare workers to able to obtain the necessary equipment to ensure the safety of themselves and patients. It was also stated that Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living is co-managing an Incident Management Structure that is provincially-coordinated. This is to allow for proper planning and response to COVID-19.
Full details here: https://news.gov.mb.ca/news/?archive=&item=46925

Type of Justification: Perception of an increased threat
Evidence/Justification: In the news release, Dr. Brent Rousin, the chief public health officer of Manitoba, stated that while the risk to Manitoba is low, it is increasing in light of the events taking place in Canada as well as around the world. He states the Manitoba must continue its preparation efforts against the virus.