Type of Intervention: Executive Order, Regulation
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Legal and policy; Regulatory change; Planning and strategy; Creation of or release of plans
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: National Health Commission
Overview: New prevention and control measures for Covid-19 (main document + 4 attachments and further explainations), including detailed regulations about organisation and administration of measures against Covid-19; the detection and recording of cases; conducting epidemiological studies; the collection and analysis of clinical samples; treatment and protective measures for Covid-19 hospitals (including equipment, hygiene, and quarantine measures); quarantine of people in close contact with diagnosed cases (2 weeks with daily test for symptoms); public relations, staff training, and strengthening laboratory capacity and biosecurity.
The regulations target hospitals and disease control centres at the local level, and provide an updated and integrated framework for Covid-19 related activities.
Full details here: http://www.nhc.gov.cn/jkj/s3577/202001/c67cfe29ecf1470e8c7fc47d3b751e88.shtml
Type of Justification: Perception of an increased threat
Evidence/Justification: To accomplish prevention and control, and to protect the lives and health of the people.’