Type of Intervention: New Tool / Service / Body
Sectors Involved: Health
Intervention Categories: Legal and policy; New initiatives
Level of Jurisdiction: National
Lead People/Agency: The Panamanian Government Innovation Authority (AIG) leading
Ministry of Health implementing
Overview: The Panamanian Government Innovation Authority (AIG) made a mechanisms based on the application of Artificial Intelligence available to citizens to diagnose and recommend when a patient should be tested for Coronavirus. Dr. R.O.S.A. (Automatic Health Operative Response) is a bot that works on a WhatsApp number to chat with citizens and practice a virtual screening and identify those cases that, according to the protocol defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), should go for the test; and in those cases in which it is not necessary to practice it, R.O.S.A. reiterates the instruction to stay home. This virtual screening allows to avoid the overload of the health system when using the tests to detect the coronavirus as indicated by the international protocols of the WHO. and it provides tranquility to citizens, serving them in a massive way. In its first 72 hours of operation, 10,000 queries were received (8,800 through WhatsApp and 1,200 by telephone).
Full details here: https://innovacion.gob.pa/plataforma-virtual-rosa-amplia-sus-servicios-en-el-area-de-salud-mental/?csrt=10077127155721822683
Other links: 1
Type of Justification: Advice of INTERNAL government advisory committee or group, Learning from other jurisdictions
Source of Evidence or Justification: World Health Organisation
Evidence/Justification: From international experience, Panama learned that avoiding crowds and detecting infections early are the success factors in the countries that have best contained the COVID-19 pandemic.